Friday, May 29, 2020

6 Ways to Turn Stress into Success #MondayMotivation

6 Ways to Turn Stress into Success #MondayMotivation The dictionary definition of stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.  In a fully connected world, its easy to often feel consumed by work unable to relax and remove yourself from a working environment. But with the distinction between work/life balance blurring, its important to keep some time to yourself to make sure you dont overwork yourself and become burnt out. This in turn will lead to higher quality of work. So what are some ways to turn your stress into success? Read on to find out: 1) Unplug This is an important point for anyone. In a world where everything is connected, its important to disconnect yourself from work. Leave the house without your mobile, dont check your emails for a whole weekend or just giving yourself a break from technology can work wonders for stress levels. Make sure you set certain boundaries too, such as no checking emails after 6pm, or turning off your laptop and television an hour before you go to bed. This allows you time to re-charge. 2) Talk If youre feeling over-worked or burnt out, the best thing to do is to talk about it. And it could be with anyone chat with your partner, your friends, your boss or your colleagues. The cliche is true a problem shared is a problem halved! Talking through your problems means those close to you can support and help you through your stressful time. It also is great to put into words how you feel, which will in-turn make things clearer for you. 3)  Get moving This point works with the idea of unplugging for a while. Its been proven that getting up and moving can actually reduce stress levels. So get up, go for a walk to relax. Its also important to make exercise a routine in your life so why not join a gym or a weekly running club? 4) Spring Clean Having a spring clean may be the last thing on your mind when youre feeling overworked and stressed, but it can work wonders for your piece of mind. Start small clear out your desk drawer or target a specific area of your office to spring clean. Youll feel fresher, lighter and de-cluttered. 5) Relax Taking enough holiday is an important aspect of working life, and it really reflects in the quality of your work too. Make sure you take a break every once in a while even if you use the time off to  relax close to home, everyone needs some RR no matter where you are! 6) Sleep Having a regular sleeping pattern is very important for both mental and physical wellbeing. Make sure you have at least 8 hours sleep a night and wake up early so you can take time in the morning to reflect and relax. Theres nothing worse than feeling rushed off your feet all day and waking up early will help you feel like you dont have too.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Child Therapy - Ways to Naturally Develop Children in Your Care

Child Therapy - Ways to Naturally Develop Children in Your Care Wondering about the best ways to help naturally develop children?  Here are a few ways to help them explore their world, develop their creativity, and express themselves at the same time. EXPERIENCE TEXTURES Infants are known to be sensory-learners that learn to research their surroundings through touch, smell and taste.  Or by simply walking around, exploring as much as possible fueled by curiosity. An educative practice would be tracing of letters and numbers onto huge pieces of paper only to fill these with sandpaper, beans, cotton balls, pipe cleaners or even pastas with the little one. Through touch the children will observe the shape of the letter and start making associations. In the process pronounce the letters and numbers out load. These associations will grant the child the ability to recognize lettering and numbering in coloring books, bed-time stories and cartoons. DOODLE, COLOR AND DRAW To doodle and color with your little one is pure joy.  And in essence one of the must powerful,  educative, and fun tools that a parent has at his disposal. In the earliest steps of the process, in the doodling phase,  a child`s coordination is being fine tuned with every line, every swipe as the little one`s imagination is being materialized and the little one attempts to fine tune finger, wrist and arm movement till control is achieved. The next represents the conceptualization, a period in which the child simplifies  reality through geometric associations, geometric primitives. The individual  on paper might be a circle and 5 lines where the sun is a circle with numerous needles, rays, all around. To build on this extraordinary educative practice the child ought to be encouraged through the power of example.  Color by their side, use super simple drawings in the beginning and talk about what you are doing in the process. Talk to them, express joy in color and lines and he will soon follow. MEASURING UP The measuring process happens for an adult often yet the child needs time and practice to learn it.  And while the most common way to teach an infant this simple process would be a ruler, it is recommended to start with seasons, months and time of year to make the process interesting.  That provides powerful non-abstract associations and examples the child can grasp. Having your child lie down on the grass and measuring him with a line of apples at certain ages could be something memorable. He might never forget that at six he was 25 apples tall, 45 legos tall or 12 wooden blocks wide. Simple associations could be made to emphasize movement, pro-active development and curiosity. Make the measuring of a bed with books fun.  And always make sure you use different items in the process while you also count out-loud for the child to hear. It is highly important to change the setting as much as possible, to make the process as educative and as fun as possible. CREATE LABELS IN YOUR HOME One or two labels  can be used on simple items such as your refrigerator, windows and chairs and can be an interesting educative experiment. These labels should be magnetic and the parent ought to rotate the labels every week or month.   All should be the same, basic fonts for the children to identify the objects and change that occurs every now and then. Printing, typing or cutting out individual words and positioning them onto object for easy identification also helps. The  symbols will become recognizable for the child especially if the parents pronounce them out-loud  often while in their company. START ORGANIZATION EARLY The organization in ones home and in ones life is utterly important and parents ought to build on this skill early, even with the risk of slowing down house chores or activities. Labeling everything that can become an organizer for toys, clothes dishes or any other specific household items helps.  And creating these places where theyre not truly present builds up on that, opens new opportunities,  and creates something new. By simply asking a child where  the toys are stored, where should they be,  the parent summons an association that the child has to make. And in time,  that creates a natural connection between actions. Thus de-cluttering ones space and life become related. Organize everything as thoughtfully as possible and be prepared.  As Bridge A. Barnes and Stephen M. York, authors of Common Sense Parenting of Toddlers and Preschoolers  have said : these tasks give you a way to begin teaching your young children about responsibilities, helping others, and being part of a family. Image Courtesy of  homesthetics Image credits Main   Art  

Friday, May 22, 2020

5 Common Résumé Mistakes That Can Sink Your Candidacy - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

5 Common Résumé Mistakes That Can Sink Your Candidacy - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career While, ultimately, the claim that the traditional résumé is “dead” may indeed prove to be true, significant to note, currently it still has a LOT of life left in it! As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, some high-tech companies seem to be moving toward the video-oriented résumé (or some other “non-conventional” format), yet the vast majority of companies today continue to rely upon the more traditional, written résumé. That means, of course,  that savvy job hunters need to continue to concentrate on making sure their résumés brand them as true professionals and not as rank (and “sloppy”) amateurs. That said, an embarrassing number of professionals continue to repeat the sameâ€"yet all really quite avoidable!â€"mistakes in their résumés, and these mistakes more times than not result in one predictable outcomeâ€"the candidates are immediately eliminated from further consideration! How do I know this? Because, as professional “headhunter,” I see résumés containing these mistakes each and every business day of the year, and so, coincidentally, do most other “headhunters” and hiring professionals. The 5 Most Common Résumé Mistakes I See Certainly, not every “problem” résumé that pops up on my office computer screen contains all of the five mistakes mentioned below, but statistically, and with regard to my executive recruiting firm, Hire to Win, these are the five most common ones: 1. Confusedâ€"and confusing!â€"design and layout.  The “good” news is the same as the “bad” news here: Most word processing programs today provide users with the capability of easily and quickly creating good (and varied) design and layout for virtually any document, including, of course, a résumé. In the hands of someone who understands and appreciates what constitutes good design and layout, the results can be excellent. In the hands of someone who does not have such understanding and appreciation, however . . . well, that can be an entirely different matter. Imagine picking up, say, a newspaper or magazine, and finding wall-to-wall copy, indiscriminate (and inappropriate) use of Italics, bold face, underscores, a dizzying array of type faces and sizes, etc., a total lack of “white space” or other graphic/design devices/elements typically used to “break up” and “highlight” the copy, etc. Wouldn’t be very “inviting” reading, would it? Now, imagine, as a hiring professional, receiving a résumé which features such design and layout faux pas. RESULT: DELETE!       2. Misspellings, grammatical errors. Having misspellings in any professional document or publication has never been deemed acceptable, but today, with the “spell check” feature on word processing programs, it is totally unacceptable and inexcusable.   There is only one conclusion that can logically be drawn today about the professional who has misspellings in his/her résumé: He or she was simply too lazy to use “spell check”! (Will he/she be equally lazy if selected for a position under consideration? Probably.) RESULT: DELETE! Now, you may get a little slack with grammatical errors. Why? Because the truth of the matter is, the vast majority of Americans today don’t have an extensive knowledge and understanding of English grammar. Oh, they know, usually, though certainly not always, if a subject and verb don’t agree, but get beyond such grammar basics and most are simply lost (although, certainly not all are lost!). Indeed, most people wouldn’t recognize a dangling participle if one were . . . well . . . dangled in front of them! Nonetheless, when in doubt about a question of grammar, you should check it out, and that is easily done on the Internet today! 3. Lack of clarity, focus. In a perfect world, every professional’s résumé would quickly and clearly illustrate his or her particular skill set(s), previous and current positions held, specific duties and meaningful accomplishments and achievements (using dollars and cents, percentages and other pertinent quantitative measures). It would also be laser ­-focused toward the new position being sought, i.e., what the candidate has to offer the hiring company, how he or she can “make ‘em money,” “save ‘em money,” or both. Obviously, the world we live in today is anything but perfect. Far too many résumés today practically defy the hiring professional to determine, first, what, specifically and significantly, the professional has done in previous positions, or is doing in his/her current position. And, second, precisely (at least by inference), how his/’her past and current experience and achievements can easily translate into significant and relevant benefits for the hiring company. Many are the times that I have to scratch my head and wonder precisely what it is the candidate is trying to convey about himself/herself and why my hiring company clients should even care! RESULT: DELETE! 4. Incomplete/ incorrect contact information. I wish I had a dimeâ€"no, make that a penny!â€"for every time I have attempted to reach a prospective candidate who “looked good on paper” at the contact phone number or email address indicated on his or her résumé, only to be met with a “I’m sorry, the number you have dialed is no longer in service . . .” message, or, I am forced to leave a voice mail message that is never returned. Or, equally bad, to have my emails rejected because the prospective candidate apparently made a typographic or other error in his/her email address. RESULT: DELETE! 5. Inappropriate length. Oh, the perennial question: How many pages long should a résumé be? Answer: In most cases, ONE page; in very rare instances, such as very top level management résumés, TWO pages, MAXIMUM! The typical fate of those résumés which do not adhere to this principal? RESULT: DELETE! With Just a Little Bit of Care . . . To be sure, this blog is not a comprehensive treatment of all of the résumé mistakes that I (and other hiring professionals) see each and every business day. Nor is this an exhaustive treatment of those mistakes that you should assiduously avoid, if you desire to be perceived as a true professional instead of a “run-of-the-mill” amateur who is “just looking for a job, any job.” Simply by taking greater care and practicing more focused concentration, you should easily be able to avoid making these mistakes (and other equally harmful ones) when creating your professional résumé. Make sure you do! _________________________ Be watching for Skip’s new book in the “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets series of bestselling job-hunting books and publications, Career Stalled?How to Get Your Career Back in ‘High Gear’ and Land the Job You Deserveâ€"Your Dream Job! TM Publication is scheduled for spring 2013. Author: Skip Freeman  is the author of the international bestselling job hunting book “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever!  (  and is the President and Chief Executive Officer of  The HTW Group (Hire to Win), an Atlanta, GA, Metropolitan Area Executive Search Firm. Specializing in the placement of sales, engineering, manufacturing and RD professionals, he has developed powerful techniques that help companies hire the best and help the best get hired.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The South Pacific is The Perfect Spot For Your Honeymoon

The South Pacific is The Perfect Spot For Your Honeymoon Planning a wedding is stressful. Whether you have a big, formal affair or something much more intimate, there are so many details to concern yourself with. By the time the day actually comes and goes, most couples are more than ready for a vacation. But the question then becomes this: Where to go? If sun, sand, and surf is what you are looking for, a South Pacific honeymoon can be just the thing. Vanuatu Vanuatu is located in the South Pacific. Youll find  more than 80 islands surrounded by stunning rock faces, white-sand beaches, coral reefs, stunning tropical gardens and palm trees. Not only is the scenery beautiful here, the temperature and climate is perfect for getting out and exploring it, too. If you want to lie on the beach every day, in theory you could honeymoon anywhere. However, if you do want to take a break from all that Vanuatu has to offer, there are some of the prettiest beaches anywhere in the world here. Let’s take a look at some of the many activities you can do on Vanuatu: Tanna Island On Tanna Island, you can visit beautiful natural wonders such as the Yasur Volcano. Here, you can walk to the very edge of the crater or get a twilight view by way of a four-wheeler.  You can feel the volcano active beneath you!   How’s that for adrenaline? Since it’s your honeymoon, romance is in order, yes? The South Pacific is the perfect place to take a romantic cruise at sunset as you relax and look toward your future together. Water Adventures Parasailing offers adventure-seekers the perfect birds-eye view of the islands, from 70 metres high above the boat! Rent a canoe or a kayak and explore the islands’ many inlets. While you’re at it, bring  a picnic and enjoy a romantic getaway on one of the beachy spots you encounter. In terms of travelling to the South Pacific in general and Vanuatu in particular, because this is a popular honeymoon spot, you should have no problem finding a great vacation package that is perfectly designed with honeymooners in mind. You may find that you’ll receive upgrades such as a free bottle of wine or accommodation upgrades to adult-only accommodations, for example, if they know you are celebrating your honeymoon. There are many different types of villas, resorts and other types of accommodations that will allow you to relax with your new spouse in comfort. Vanuatu For Your Honeymoon Whether you want to immerse yourself in the history and culture of this tropical locale, indulge in some of its world-class cuisine, participate in some active pursuits or simply relax and be pampered, Vanuatu in the South Pacific has what you are looking for in the perfect honeymoon.  Contact a travel agent today and get started on the road to planning your beautiful and memorable South Pacific honeymoon. Images: Main  Peter Mackey   Tanna Beach  carawah

Friday, May 15, 2020

History Major Writing a Resume - Things to Remember About CollegeHistory Majors

History Major Writing a Resume - Things to Remember About CollegeHistory MajorsWhen you're in your senior year of high school, the one thing that you want to be sure of is that you're going to have time to focus on developing a college or university-worthy history major writing a resume. With the demands of life and the normal wear and tear of all those extra activities that kids have, it's easy to get caught up in activities that aren't necessarily good for your future. It's important to plan ahead when preparing a college major writing a resume.One of the reasons that you should be considering getting out of high school early is the fact that you'll be forced to take a history class at some point. No matter how much you like history, chances are that your high school teacher didn't go to a great college and that you need to change high schools if you want to continue learning. But, it isn't difficult to graduate early with a great GPA. Just make sure that you learn the skills neces sary to apply what you've learned in the classroom to your future career.When you decide to go back to school, make sure that you set aside enough time for the first two years, when you're in high school. It's a good idea to set up an appointment with your high school guidance counselor. You may find that your GPA was way off due to too many extracurricular activities. The lesson you're likely to learn from this meeting is that you need to really take your time and set aside the time to focus on your academics. If you go back to school too soon, you may not be able to pull it off.After graduating from high school, your goal is to get into college for the last two years of your senior year. It's easy to believe that the last two years of high school are the only two years that you have to spend learning your senior year courses, but that's not necessarily true. Many seniors find that they take a history class during their senior year to get more hands-on experience in a classroom set ting and to learn how to use a textbook in order to prepare for an exam.Since you're back in school, try to consider the classes that you've taken over the past few years. Some high schools like to keep students at a certain grade level and will do all they can to keep that in mind. Even if your grades are very low, it's possible to still get into a university as long as you're on the right track. Go ahead and spend some time reviewing your transcript and see if you have any history classes that would count towards getting you into a college.Another advantage to keeping in touch with what's going on with your college applications is that you may find some opportunities that you might have missed out on in high school. Chances are that you missed out on the opportunity to have your college essay read by a panel of admissions officers at a local college or university. You can spend some time looking through your application materials to see if there are any opportunities that you miss ed out on during high school.Make sure that you keep your application for admission to a college or university from high school as current as possible. Remember that you will be applying to a lot of schools and that you may have gotten away from the original application, due to the time constraints. Make sure that you have all of your high school transcripts together so that they can be easily reviewed in case of a request for admission.When you're preparing for your next attempt at getting a college education, remember that the advice you can glean from working on a history major writing a resume will help you get through all the difficult times that it takes to get your career off the ground. Don't get distracted from your path to success, and work on getting your college career off the ground and in the books before you make mistakes that cause your application to be rejected.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Biggest Pain Point in Your Job Search -

The Top 210 Best Job Search Sites for 2016 is currently the largest free resource list for job seekers. From internships to entry-level jobs, from government work to executive positions, this list is segmented by type of job and industry so you can focus you search on the sites that are the most likely to get you results, better and faster.You’ve read here on this blog how important social media can be in your job search, so Jobs2Careers also included each sites’ apps (if they have them) and social channels. They also make it easy to share the post with your job seeking friends on your own social channels. Even if you’re not actively seeking work now, you probably know someone who is.Check out the categories and sites you might not have even heard of, then use this free resource to get your resume out there and target your search to the right site and right industry.The Top 210 Best Job Search Sites for 2016 post originally appeared on’s Advice site, updated October 7, 2016.

Friday, May 8, 2020

How To Write A Resume That Generates Calls

How To Write A Resume That Generates Calls How To Write A Resume That Generates Calls Job Search / Resume Writing There are a several elements that make one resume more effective than another. First, a resume needs to grab the reader’s attention. It needs to present what the candidate has to offer right up front. It also needs to sell the candidate to the recruiter and hiring manager. A 2012 study done by TheLadders found that you need to get a recruiters attention fast. The results of their eye-scanning study showed that recruiters made a yes or no decision in less than 6 seconds. As a former recruiter, that seems a bit fast. The recruiters I know take their time reading and evaluating a candidate’s resume. But in a world where their job is to fill positions they don’t have all day either. When it comes to garnering interest, a well-formatted document will only get you so far. You need to provide information on what you have to offer a potential employer in the top-third of your resume. You can do this with a brief summary and skills section. However, the most effective way to generate calls is to have an achievement-based resume. A resume that shows, not tells recruiters and potential employers what you can do. They don’t want to hear that you are a strategic thinker; they want to see an example of a time you used strategic thinking to get something done. Most professional resume writers use the CAR approach to help their clients uncover their achievements. That translates to Challenge, Action, Result. Begin this process by thinking about your last few positions. What were things like when you first started? What problems surfaced while you were there? What obstacles were in your way? You may have run into outdated systems, a department in chaos, high turnover, poor sales, etc. These are your challenges. Next, think about how you overcame these challenges. What did you do to turn things around or generate sales or increase morale? These are your actions. When you’re working as part of a team you need to think about things a little differently. It’s important to give the team credit for a team win. But, you also need to consider your part in the team’s success. Think about your contributions. Maybe you brought some particular knowledge or kept everyone on track? Maybe you interfaced with the client? These are things you need to include on your resume. Finally, think about the results. Try to quantify the outcome in terms of numbers dollars, percentages, etc. While most people think this means making or saving money, there are other ways to make an impact. Maybe you streamlined the payroll process so instead of taking the payroll clerk 3 days a week it took only 2. This gave him 1 extra day a week, 4 extra days per month to perform other duties. Writing a resume isn’t easy, even for a professional resume writer. Remember, your resume should be a marketing tool designed to sell you (the product) to a potential employer (the buyer). It should not be simply a record of your past employment. Use the CAR approachâ€"Challenge, Action, Resultâ€" to unearth your achievements. Dig deep. Don’t rush. This process will take a lot more time, but results will be well worth it. After youve completed your resume review each item youve identified with a so what? attitude. What difference did you make? What impact did your actions have on your employer? (Click here to learn how.) Employers are looking for people to come in and solve their problems. They want to know Whats in it for me? A resume that demonstrates your value is the one that will get results. If you’d like to work with Annette Richmond, a certified resume writer, LinkedIn Profile writer, and career consultant, please schedule an introductory call to discuss your needs.     You will be able to access Annette’s calendar to choose a day and time that works for you.